Uncategorized Happy Caption Contest Day!

Happy Caption Contest Day!


The Rules:

1) Be original

2) Keep them clean

3) Enter as many times as you want

4) Enter only on the blog please (www.drewlitton.com)

5) Have Fun!

6) Tell your friends to enter for braggin’ rights

6) Have a great Weekend!

Deadline is next Thursday at 5 p.m. MDT

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102 thoughts on “Happy Caption Contest Day!”

  1. There’s a man going around taking names

    And Elway decides who to free and who to blame

    Everybody won’t be treated all the same

    There’ll be a golden ladder reaching down

    When the Dolphins comes around!

  2. I can understand you wanting to throw away my jersey collection but… where are my pants?

  3. I guess I could sew on an “M” and hope Craig Morton comes out of retirement?


    Hmmm… Doesn’t Kyle have a younger brother?


    I promise you this is it… If Tebow doesn’t stick with the Broncos, then you can throw me out!


    Oh honey look at this! Even the garbage man doesn’t want these!

  4. Until the NFL licenses hair clippers and bronzer, I am just going to groom my back hair for the Broncos’ QB jersey.

  5. Jeez, If I Still Had My DeBerg and Griese Jerseys, I’d have the winning Power Ball Numbers.

  6. I’m having a yard sale. Selling all of these to save up for the Andrew Luck jersey next year

  7. #1: I miss the old orange jersey’s. It had the magic to even make these guy’s look good.

    #2: I told you. Even Goodwill turned these down.

    #3: I’d put them on the dog but I don’t believe in animal cruelty.

    #4: This should remove the stink from the house.


  8. “Remember we used to wake up and know who our quarterback would be”


    ” to think that #7 jersey lasted 16 years”

  9. Honey, it’s just simple math!

    The difference between 15 & 8 is,,,,,???


  10. Why do I have the feeling that I’ll just be throwing out the other one of these two this time next year?

  11. this is the 5th time this month i have thrown em out and the garbage men just keep leaving em!!!

  12. It”s HOPELESS Dear, no matter how hard I try to add or subtract, I can’t get any of these to add up to 7

  13. “Keep it up and I’ll buy a jersey with your name on it. The Broncos will have you in Cleveland by next week”

  14. That’s right, lady, I’m Kyle Orton, and I’ll even autograph this one for you if you buy the rest.

  15. “This is a lot easier than it will be to get my matching tattoos removed”

  16. WHAT!, Ubaldo has been traded? It is getting expensive to be a sports fan in Denver!

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