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Send in the Clowns


OK. So this is definitely NOT sports related. But sometimes I gotta express some other frustrations now and again. If you feel like I do, then this Clowns cartoon will definitely resonate with you. And if you feel so inclined, you can wear it, send it, or drink from it now in my Zazzle store. Should be up for sale shortly. Enjoy.

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5 thoughts on “Send in the Clowns”

  1. Drew,

    as usual you hit the nail on the head, although I think that some clowns make take offense.

  2. Dear Drew,

    First of all let me apologize for the way I ran my mouth on your facebook page this past weekend. I’m not ashamed of what I said. I just should have moved the discussion to my own facebook page before getting too involved in the discussion.

    Now when I look at congress it reminds me of a joke/blooper from the show “The Hollywood Squares”. Paul Lynde was asked the question,”Which would be less painful. Being kicked by a horse or a mule?” to which Lynde replies,” They both sound pretty good to me.”

    Well that is my view overall of congress. Dems are the mules and the GOP are the horses. No matter which way we go we seem to get kicked in the “jewels” over and over.

    If there is a difference between the two is that I don’t feel the kick of the GOP as often but I do still get kicked when they try being what I call “Democrat Lite”.

    For the record I don’t have an opinion pro or con on the Tea Party. Right now I see them as the best hope to close down this “circus”

    I’ll shut up now before I start developing political “Running of the mouth”

    All the best


  3. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Neither party has all of the answers but each has some of them. somebody needs to knock some heads together and see what falls out. all they seem to want is to be re elected and are afraid to think things through even a little bit. And don’t talk about term limits for that leaves un elected bureaucrats in charge which would be even more harmful.

    we have hit a rough patch and if you are waiting for congress and the president to lead us out of it, you are backing up. Its time to get off our collective butts and get busy making things works. In the end, it us, the people, who make this country go.

    STrive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  4. Good one, Drew! Gene has a point, we are so comfortable somehow, we need to do the hard work and let our government know that what they are doing is not acceptable.

  5. Sending in the Clowns would be vast improvement over what is currently in DC. I wonder if Ed Stein will post a sports related cartoon.

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